
Join local protest against Barclays arming Israeli state

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AS THE ISRAELI STATE continues its relentless massacre of Palestinians in Gaza, campaigners in the UK continue their relentless efforts to stop this unlawful collective punishment.

While many protests have been targetted at governments, there have also been successful actions targetted at the businesses that prop up the Israeli state and finance, directly or indirectly, its campaign of murder and mutilation.

The spotlight has recently fallen on Barclays Bank. Previously the target of anti-apartheid campaigners because of its investment in the government of South Africa, the company was briefly rehabilitated when the racist state collapsed. Barclays is now back in the dock as its support for the Israeli state has come to light.

Research carried out by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has revealed that Barclays has invested over £8 billion in companies which manufacture weapons and military support services that are being used in the Israeli state’s attempts to obliterate Gaza and its people. PSC is calling on everyone to refuse to fund the genocide and to boycott Barclays until they withdraw this support for the killing.

To support this campaign, East London activists are staging a lunchtime protest between 11.30am and 12.30 pm on Saturday, 20th July outside Barclays in Whitechapel to demand that Barclays “Stop Arming Israel”. Don’t leave it to someone else to support the people of Gaza: please take an hour out of your day and support this local protest.

For more information, go the PSC website:
Palestine Solidarity Campaign

To catch up with the news in East London, go to:
East London News
